Large-eddy simulations of a turbulent boundary layer with unsteady pressure gradients

Image credit: TSFP-12


We use large-eddy simulations to investigate a spatially developing turbulent boundary layer with a space- and time-dependent pressure gradient. The free-stream velocity is prescribed, and the flow oscillates between times in which a favorable pressure gradient is followed by an adverse one, a zero pressure gradient, and a period in which the adverse pressure gradient is followed by a favorable one. The alternating favorable and adverse pressure gradient causes the flow to periodically separate and reattach from the wall. Several cases have been investigated for a range of reduced frequencies k spanning the range between very rapid flutter-like motions to slower flapping. Time-averaged and phase-averaged fields are analyzed, and comparison is made with steady cases with fixed pressure gradients.

In 12th international symposium on Tubulence and Shear Flow Phenomena
Francesco Ambrogi, PhD
Francesco Ambrogi, PhD
Postdoctoral researcher in Mechanical Engineering

My research interests include boundary layer theory, particle-laden flows, computational fluid dynamics, direct numerical and large eddy simulations of turbulent flows.