Influence of Time-Varying Freestream Conditions on the Dynamics of Unsteady Boundary-Layer Separation

My AIAAJ Publication


Unsteady flow separation of a turbulent boundary layer under dynamic pressure gradients is investigated using the Large-Eddy Simulation technique. The unsteadiness is introduced by prescribing an oscillating freestream vertical-velocity profile at the top boundary of the domain. Although previous studies, including Ambrogi et al. (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 945, Aug. 2022, p. A10) and Ambrogi et al. (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 972, Oct. 2023, p. A36), focused on the kinematics of the flow and the effects of the oscillation frequency on flow separation, the goal of this paper is to analyze the effects of three time-varying freestream-forcing profiles while the oscillation frequency is kept the same for all Cases. Whereas in Case A the freestream-velocity profile changes from suction–blowing to blowing–suction in a complete cycle, Cases B and C are both suction–blowing only and the strength of the adverse pressure gradient is modulated in time. Moreover, the boundary layer in Case B never approaches a zero-pressure gradient condition. A closed separation bubble is formed for all Cases; however, its dimensions change depending on the far-field forcing. The time evolution of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) reveals an advection mechanism of turbulent structures out of the domain for all Cases. Whereas in Case A and C the high-TKE region, generated in the separated shear layer, is washed out of the domain as a rigid body, in Case B the separation bubble remains present and the advection mechanism of TKE is characterized by a breathing pattern.

In American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal
Francesco Ambrogi, PhD
Francesco Ambrogi, PhD
Postdoctoral researcher in Mechanical Engineering

My research interests include boundary layer theory, particle-laden flows, computational fluid dynamics, direct numerical and large eddy simulations of turbulent flows.