I was awarded the 2024 Silver Wrench Award by the MME Department.
On March 2024 I received the 2023 Silver Wrench award.

During the Winter term 2024 I had the pleasure, AGAIN, to teach Fluid Mechanics to second year Queen’s Engineering students. It has been, once again, an amazing experience insightful and fullfilling. During the Mechanical Engineering Banquet I received for the second consecutive year the Silver Wrench Award!!
Presented on an annual basis, this award recognizes the professor who displays the most interest and enthusiasm towards Mechanical Engineering as chosen by the graduating year.
I want to extend my profound gratitude to my wife Veronica, who has the courage to stand by my side every single day, to everyone in the Department, including my supervisor Prof. Piomelli and my fellow colleagues at the TSM-Lab, and to every instructor I have had the pleasure to work with.