I was awarded the 2022 Dean's Teaching Assistant Award.

On May 2022 I received the 2022 DTA award.


This means EVERYTHING to me!

I have been selected as a recipient of the 2022 Dean’s Teaching Assistant (DTA) award by the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Queen’s University. This award recognizes exceptional Teaching Assistants who have been nominated by their departments.

I want to extend my profound gratitude to my wife Veronica, who has the courage to stand by my side every single day, to everyone in the Department, including my supervisor Prof. Piomelli and my fellow colleagues at the TSM-Lab, and to every instructor I have had the pleasure to work with.

Francesco Ambrogi, PhD
Francesco Ambrogi, PhD
Postdoctoral researcher in Mechanical Engineering

My research interests include boundary layer theory, particle-laden flows, computational fluid dynamics, direct numerical and large eddy simulations of turbulent flows.