MREN230 - Thermodynamics and heat transfer - Queen's University

Table of Contents

What you will learn

This course introduces fundamental thermodynamics and heat transfer concepts needed to analyze thermal systems including: ideal gas laws; work and heat; conservation of energy; thermodynamic properties of pure substances; equations of state; applications to open and closed systems; heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation. Theory will be complemented with a series of labs that introduce temperature measurement devices and thermal circuit analysis.

  1. Define the basic concepts of thermodynamics.
  2. Define the thermodynamic properties of pure substances.
  3. Apply the First Law to energy balances in open and closed systems such as compressors, turbines and equipment enclosures.
  4. Apply the First and Second Laws to the analysis of simple vapour power and refrigeration cycles.
  5. Identify and analyze engineering problems involving the three basic modes of heat transfer, i.e., conduction, convection and radiation.
  6. Conduct experiments to measure and analyze heat transfer and thermal systems.


Dr. Ambrogi Francesco

Pre-requisite knowledge

An introductory course on Fluid Mechanics (MECH241 or MREN241) is required.

Course materials

Download the Course Syllabus HERE

Required textbook: Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences, Cengel, 6th edition (McGraw Hill)

Suggested time commitment

Generally, we expect that students attend all lectures (3hrs/week), review material at home (1 hr/week), complete the weekly assignment problems (1-2 hrs/week - if an assignment takes much more than 1 hr you should be doing additional problems and coming to tutorials and office hours for additional help understanding, about another 2 hours a week). If you keep up your understanding week to week, then a few hours review should be enough to do well on the final exam. An average student will be able to do well in this course by spending about 6 hours a week, over the twelve-week term.

Students feedback

Student A

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Student B

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Student C

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