Francesco Ambrogi, PhD

Francesco Ambrogi, PhD

Postdoctoral researcher in Mechanical Engineering

University of Waterloo

Multi-Physics Interaction (MPI) Lab

About me

Dr. Francesco Ambrogi obtained his PhD from Queen’s University in December 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Ugo Piomelli. During his PhD, he worked as a graduate research assistant in the Turbulence Simulation and Modelling (TSM) laboratory, and as a teaching fellow in the Mechanical and Materials Engineering department where he taught Fluid Mechanics to second year engineering students. During his PhD his research focused on computational and theoretical studies of turbulent boundary layers (TBLs) with pressure gradients. Specifically, he was interested in simulating the effect of strong unsteady adverse and favorable pressure gradients on the physics of wall bounded flows. As of June 2024, Dr. Ambrogi is a postdoctoral research fellow at University of Waterloo where he works in the Multi-Physics Interaction (MPI) Lab led by Dr. Hickey, and his research focuses on invesitgating surface clustering in non-isothermal particle-laden turbulent flows.

On a more personal note, Francesco is fascinated by astronomy and loves reading. Since April 2021 Francesco is a member of the Kingston Rotaract Club. Since then, he served as club president and treasurer. Francesco enjoys outdoor activities and one of his strongest passions is teaching.

Download my CV.

  • Turbulent Boundary Layers
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Unsteady flow separation
  • DNS and LES
  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, 2023

    Queen's University

  • M.S. in Energy and Nuclear Engineering, 2019

    Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna

  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 2015

    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia


Numerical Simulation
Data Analysis
Project Management


Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Jun 2024 – Present Waterloo (ON)
Within the TSM Lab we perform Direct Numerical and Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows in different physical conditions. My research focuses on particle-laden turbulent flows with a specific interest on (i) the description of heated particles in an Eulerian-Eulerian framework, and (ii) the investigation of surface particles clustering.
Adjunct professor
Aug 2023 – Jun 2024 Kingston (ON)

Since the fall term 2023 I have been the primary instructor for the following courses:

  • MEE311 Fluid Mechanics
  • MEE315 Fluid Dynamics
  • MEE313 Advanced fluid mechanics
Adjunct professor
Queen’s University
Jan 2023 – Present Kingston (ON)
For the winter term 2023 and the winter term 2024 I have been the instructor for MECH 241 (Fluid Mechanics I) to second year engineering students.
Teaching Assistant
Queen’s University
Jan 2019 – Dec 2023 Kingston (ON)

Since the beginning of my PhD I have been assigned as teaching assistant for several courses at Queen’s such as:

  • MECH398 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I
  • MECH241 Fluid Mechanics I
  • MECH341 Fluid Mechanics II
Graduate Research Assistant
Sep 2019 – Dec 2023 Kingston (ON)
Within the TSM Lab we perform Direct Numerical and Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows in different physical conditions and with several geometries. My research focuses on simulating Turbulent Boundary layers under strong pressure gradients and separated flows.
Graduate Intern
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sep 2018 – Mar 2019 Madison (WI)

Licenses & Awards

Silver Wrench Award - 2024
Presented on an annual basis, this award recognizes the instructor who displays the most interest and enthusiasm towards the Queen’s Mechanical and Materials Engineering program as voted by all years (2nd, 3rd and 4th ).
Silver Wrench Award - 2023
Presented on an annual basis, this award recognizes the instructor who displays the most interest and enthusiasm towards the Queen’s Mechanical and Materials Engineering program as voted by all years (2nd, 3rd and 4th ).
Bronze Wrench Award - 2022
Presented on an annual basis, this award recognizes a teaching assistant of Mechanical and Materials Engineering for their contribution to the undergraduate class as voted by all years (2nd, 3rd and 4th ).
Dean’s Teaching Assistant Award (DTA) - 2022
This award recognizes exceptional Teaching Assistants who have been nominated by their departments.
Graduation to Professional Engineer
State Exam Italian Legislation - Industrial Engineering

Recent & Upcoming Talks

Influence of time-varying freestream conditions on unsteady separation in a turbulent boundary layer
76th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.
Advection dynamics of a turbulent separation bubble
14th International ERCOFTAC ETMM14.
Frequency dependence of unsteady separation in a turbulent boundary layer
75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.
Dynamics of turbulent kinetic energy advection in a turbulent boundary layer under unsteady pressure gradients
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation - DLES13.

Recent Publications

(2024). Influence of Time-Varying Freestream Conditions on the Dynamics of Unsteady Boundary-Layer Separation. In AIAA Journal.


(2023). Evaluation of Turbulence Models in Unsteady Separation. In Fluids.


(2023). Characterization of unsteady separation in a turbulent boundary layer: Reynolds stresses and flow dynamics. In Journal of Fluid Mechanics.


(2022). Characterization of unsteady separation in a turbulent boundary layer: mean and phase-averaged flow. In Journal of Fluid Mechanics.


(2022). Large-eddy simulations of a turbulent boundary layer with unsteady pressure gradients. In TSFP-12.

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  • 130 Stuart St, Kingston, true K7L 2V9
  • Enter the McLaughlin building, my office is in room 405.
  • By appointment